Encryption appliances for companies requiring a high level of information security

Insta SafeLink VPN solution for secure data transfer

Insta SafeLink and SafeLink Lite are Traficom TL III approved high-security Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions for the strong protection of communication.

Insta SafeLink Secret - Ultimate security with high performance

The most advanced encryption device on the market allows for protecting security classification level II (TL II) data. This encryption device, representing state-of-the-art Finnish technology, has been developed to secure communications for authorities and companies who require a high level of information security.

Read more about Insta SafeLink Secret™

SafeLink - Solution for Critical Connections

Insta SafeLink is a high-security Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution for the strong protection of communication between sites and offices of organizations. Typical users include the defence sector and other public authorities, as well as companies with security-critical network connections.

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Server room

SafeLink Lite - Secure your work everywhere

SafeLink Lite enables secured your work regardless of time or place. This compact, portable encryption device is the market’s most advanced Traficom TL III approved Finnish VPN (Virtual Private Network) solution. Using the encryption device, individual users can process classified information in moving vehicles as well as home offices.

Read more about SafeLink Lite

Insta Safelink Lite

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